Thursday, August 1, 2013

Gent Cousins - 1956

The Gent Cousins, 1956

Buck Gent, Brian Playfair, Billy Playfair, B.J. Gent, Terry Gent, Linda Gent, Jennifer Gent

The Gent Aunts, Uncles, and Momma Eddy
Ted, Evelyn Playfair, LaVonne Hombel, Buck, Momma Eddy, and Billy

These pictures were taken after the funeral of William Shelby Gent, "Daddy Bull," (July 3, 1886-July 7, 1956) Milton-Freewater, Oregon

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Random Pictures!!

Here are some random pictures of Buck and with some of his family, Wuana, Tena, and Aloha, not sure of year taken.  

 Buck is visiting Grandma Rue's grave site with Dean Sprague (Grandma Rue's husband), Mom and Dad. This picture was probably taken the winter after Grandma Rue's death, 1972, Joseph, Oregon

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Enterprise High School Football Star!

Bill Gent (left)
Enterprise High School
"Outstanding Athlete of the Year"

"I always loved athletics, and I tried all of them while I attended high school.  Football was probably my favorite, but I still participated in basketball, baseball, and track & field.  In my senior year I was chosen the outstanding athlete of  the year.  This was the height of my glory, at least I thought it was.

"I had a football scholarship given to me by Oregon Stake College at Corvallis, Oregon and I attended my freshman year there. I never saw so many big men in my life as I did there.  My, I was homesick, and there is only one cure for that and that is home.  I went back the next year, 1939, and went the fall term, but I just didn't have the perseverance that was needed to stick it out.  I  have surely regretted this, although maybe this was my destiny."
                                                                                             Bid Gent
                                                                                             Personal History, written 1982 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Let's Get Started!!

This is a picture of Linda's high school graduation (Stevenson High School- Stevenson, Washington) 1965. 

Bill (46) and Amy Gent (43), Buck (23) and B.J. (21)

Buck was home from Rick's College in Rexburg, Idaho. B.J. had just returned from his mission to New York.  The family was living at Bonneville Dam Fish Hatchery--Bonneville, Oregon.